Whether your a small business or at the enterprise level having a web presence alone is no longer sufficient. As online business activities continues to shift to mobile, having a mobile app is extremely essential as a marketing tool and to increase engagement with customers. The facts are that Mobile…
Can digital technologies become an asset to you?
Digital technologies are automated tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. These include web/mobile applications, inter-operable systems, social media, multimedia, productivity applications, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Digital technologies in business is a growing necessity. As time passes by, the business world is compelled to lean…
What’s the importance of having a professional website for your business?
In this modern world, it is difficult to imagine a successful business strategy outside the digital space. When businesses truly digitize their marketing strategy, developing a professional website that reflects their industry must be the first task accomplished. Investing in a professional DOT website ignites your company’s potential to enhance…